To The Point - The Cleansing Detox

1) Would I recommend the cleanse I'm journalling about?
  • Absolutely, hands down, two thumbs up, yes.
  • In my opinion, any cleanse should be done under the guidance of a trained, experienced professional in your community. Having only done this once in my life (with intent for now to do annually) and living in Toronto, Body One's Marie Graff is definitely that. I've known her for many years which easily supported basing the initial decision to do this with her as I was aware of her knowledge and she's been my massage therapist for many years. She sent out her newsletter, but never pushed me on it. I found it when I was in the right place to do it. [Check out her info on the Body One link under Healers/Educators for your own research and judgements]. Do your research, speak to others.

2) What did I learn for the most part?
Big Picture
  • This experience resulted in a deeper connection between my mind and my physical body that I can feel will be long lasting.
  • It changed my attitude about food overall, which has launched me forth into a more caring approach to my body from a food perspective. 
  • My decision making process has deepened and strengthened towards where I get my food, both in shopping and dining out. 
  • I am further encouraged to continue purchasing food from the people, farmers markets and small businesses that offer organic produce (links and lists of favorites to come), but it also helped wise me up when I'm at the No Frills or any standard grocery store.

Daily and moment to moment changes

  • I've gained a wonderful appreciation of simplifying what to eat on a daily basis. 
  • I am inspired again to cook and to do it with simpler more wholesome ingredients.
  • I am pleasantly surprised that the 14year old living with me was not only interested in what I was learning, he genuinely liked the food I was cooking.
  • The process awakened me to why I was having certain negative physical feelings that I previously did not know were related to food. I can now tell quite quickly what is not agreeing with my digestion. I make a note and for the most part avoid that food (with exception still to certain sweets and dairy).
  • The newly found awareness about my intake of simple bland food revealed neurotic dysfunctions I did not know I had (much like meditation did for me, more on that in the future!)

3) How do I feel post cleansing detox?
  • Sharper, clearer minded, more self aware on a physical level, relieved of physical burdens I didn't know I had where energy levels, mental fogginess and moods are concerned. 
  • Clarity, it is easier for me to see what bothers me and what brings me joy.
  • I felt considerably more tired than expected on a subtle level. Due to this feeling, and certain obvious physical signs like colour under the eyes and skin tone, which Marie closely observed on our final meeting, I was prescribed additional tinctures to address what may be going on, on a much deeper level. That is presently a work in progress.
  • My ability to communicate my thoughts and feelings has substantially improved in the short time that has passed from the end date. I can attest that to challenges that presented themselves where emotional issues were triggered (like, several times in one intense week) and I handled them much better than I would have in the past. This may sound lofty, but I know it to be true.

Other Important points
  • You must be determined and dedicated to follow through with the simple demands a cleanse asks of you. This does not make it any easier to actually do, as indicated in the journalling. Of course the level of difficulty varies from person to person, but it was considerably challenging for me and I know much more as to why that is now.
  • Challenges that arise must be communicated to the practitioner or you may act in a way that will not benefit you or even hinder the process, which is totally not worth all that time, effort and love you have wisely invested in yourself, which truly benefits others! 
  • Search in your town for the person with the best qualifications and someone you know and trust or comes recommended. It would be good if people who have done a cleanse before could write and recommend under comments.

Additional Recommendations
  • For those in Toronto, I see there are upcoming winter workshops at Centre of Gravity with Dr. Carina Lof. I highly recommend investigating those. Carina is a lovely, dedicated individual and her knowledge of the body and food is outstanding. She offers other wonderful services for the health of the body-mind [to learn more about Carina, see her link for Stillpoint and for workshops, go to the link at Centre of Gravity - scroll down main page right side, click on Pre Registered Courses and look for the series of classes she's offering for "Mindufulness In The Kitchen"].