
Technology and Impermanence

I'm experiencing various technical issues with this blog spot, including all the members disappearing...impermanence in action and you get what ya pay for! Hopefully things will clear up soon. 


Words of Yogic Wisdom, An Eve of 'Bad' Behaviour and we begin..

I write to Martha a direct cut and paste from Iyengar's 'Light On Pranayama' but change all the he's to she's, his to hers. Our dialogue reads like it needs a Lichtenstein image above of each one of them (if only I were capable of pulling that off, what fun!)

Through the eight stages of Yoga, the sadhaka develops understanding of her own self.  She proceeds step by step from the known - her body - to the unknown. She proceeds from the outer envelope of the body - the skin - to the unknown.  From the mind (manas), she goes to the intellect (buddhi) , the will (samkalpa), discriminating consciousness (viveka-khyati or prajna), conscience (sad-asad viveka) and lastly the Self (Atma).

Wow, too true eh? That is what we are doing - trying to connect the body with the mind. I want to aerate my body. How inspiring, thanks Sammy!

Tonight, I luxuriate in opening a curtain-closing bottle of white wine. Get this - I bought honey garlic frozen pc wings yesterday (?!!) in my childish response to the coming of clean health. Let the eve of our journey be toxicly joyful!

You said it sister. tonight i am going to party! I'm bringing wine and cake! I have been so good in the weight watchers department for a month. I need to blow it big time. If we feel like shite tomorrow maybe it will make it easier...(?). I'm also five days late and ready to kill someone..not worried just hugely premenstrual...have fun!

Next Morning, day of cleanse meeting
Mission accomplished. I feel like shit. bring on the detox but first...my last cup of coffeeeee.

same! headache sooo want to clean out and sipping my final coffee with the last of the organic cream...my favorite...

Here we go, meet up before we start?

Yes! nice hot tea at Dufflets? Queen just west of Tecumseth south side, 130?

heading there, see you soon

We meet at Dufflets (unbelievable that I would suggest this place full of delectable sweets, cakes and all things sugary before going into this, but close to Body One). We chat, then meet Marie in a nearby restaurant, take notes ferociously and ask a ton of questions. We're blessed to be the only ones doing the cleanse this particular fall - a partnership made to happen. Our session runs almost 2 hours, very informative and never imagined I'd have so many questions.

I follow up that evening with more notes on pranayama. My intention of sharing this information seemed like a wonderful idea, until juggling life and handling the effects of the cleanse took over and I had to stop. There's that dominant powerful Pitta dosha stirring in me (more on that in learning from Ayurveda, to come).

Cleanse Start - Day One (I will bunch the days together soon, but for now its detailed dialogue for days one two three..)

I am a wee screwy, I just ate roast veg and quinoa so I have to look at notes to see when/if I can take the tincture - organizing the lad with his homework, laundry, lunch etc. Have to get the schedule down to do it all earlier aaahhhhh!!

I had my last take out souvlaki.

The first three days of the cleanse are considered transitional. We begin to focus on food in its natural state. We are asked to think less in terms of recipes when having our meals and more towards individual foods eaten either raw or gently steamed/baked/roasted. It's time to gradually remove what we think are the 'good stuff' (coffee, salt, dairy...). 

Next up, buying the item that became our best friend - the rice cooker.


Last minute musings

Prior to knowing anything about or intending to blog (...really wish there was a better word for this...) I wrote Martha in my way, to find a way to "feeeel our way through" this process...

(s-e, m-e) sam martha emails

Hello my dear friend, this commitment we have reluctantly yet determinedly made has sprung some thoughts. I believe it would be significant for ourselves - and perhaps others? - to journal our experience as it is unfolding, a book for writing our thoughts or an email journal?...document thoughts, feelings, intentions, fears, strengths etc...

Focussing on the body, I think,  is a good first step in the spiritual process of getting deeper into who we are, what we're doing in our daily lives and where we see ourselves going in this brief life (I hear an old friend now saying - what? you're born, you live, you're dead, enough already!). This touches on the beauty of yoga and all the stages it involves, it can be a supportive journey of friendship and a healing process too. Whaddaya think?

Fantastic! I am not good with paper, even I can't read my own handwriting, but I can type!

Attached is the detailed document that we are to fill in so Marie can create the custom tincture to accompany our boring but body cleaning cleanse!

I hope you're able to take a few minutes each day to put forth positive supportive words to yourself as we get closer to the beginning date..our ability to make fun of ourselves along every stage will make this a special occasion rather than a potentially stressful negative fear mongering freak out!!

I'm spending this week transitioning my food intake...to create dishes with less if no meat, lots of fruits and veg but also cheese and coffee (but less intake). Today I made a most delicious salad of avocados, mangos, tomatoes, herbed goat cheese, olive oil salt and pepper - all probably no no's but I don't care! It's veg, it's fruit and it tasted great! Bland is coming (meditation coming up for me again) but the transition will be easier.

Let's get a dialogue going in whatever format - email, texts, phone calls - heck write a song!! This can be special if we make it such.

I'm reading the Iyengar book [Light On Pranayama] and it's already got me back on the mat. I will do my best to re-aquiant myself with the beginners stage routine.

You are the best! I can do it and I am looking forward to having more control over my life! It's funny cause by doing my weight watchers thing I am totally preparing for this cleanse. I am eating way more fruit and veg - and I mean way more - having an acorn squash for a snack (??) or these amazing kiwi berries, you gotta try them, just saw them at my local....don't know how widely available they are?

I have written and erased so many questions and fears. I'm going to embrace the unknown and stay positive! I've booked myself off as much as I could - I have two three day weeks and the other I've booked two late starts.

Martha is what I like to call "the centre of the universe". She is a hairdresser, in title. This woman, literally refreshes the spirit of any fortunate woman to sit in her chair if only a few times a year. She knows so many people that I know from every aspect of my professional and personal life not by intention. And when you ask other women this, they will most likely agree with this fact.

Next post, night before cleanse and then into it


Let our chats begin...

The many posts to follow are a direct communication between myself and Martha via texts and emails in the fall months leading up to and during the detoxing cleanse. This first bit leads up to the experience, then moves into the thick of it...I'm leaving it unedited for the most part to keep it short, sweet and honest (as possible!).

*Format: (s-t, m-t) Sam-text/Martha-text (s-e, m-e) Sam-email/Martha-email*

September 30, week following our indulgent cottage weekend
(s-t) I'll sit down this weekend over a cup of tea and reflect on our health plan (I send emoticons of fruit, paper and pencil, sunshine and leaves)...have a wonderful day :)

October 5 through October 17, leading up to the detox cleanse meeting date
Miraculously, a newsletter from my massage therapist's office arrives in my inbox...funny how things materialize when you put it out there...

(s-t) Morning! Excited about a detox Marie is offering at Body One. $150 Getting to Know Your Body. Read all of it! Including "more info on detox program" and "examples of diet".

(m-t) Got it. Can we talk at 1130, you available?
(m-t) ..it is two meetings over three weeks, Sunday Oct 23 and Nov 13

(s-e) Ok yes! Just looked at it again. If you haven't read the info please do read both examples and the food (basically fruit, veg and grains for 3 solid weeks with the herbal concoction she gives us). We can consider this a simple clear 3 week cleanse beginning in a couple weeks and ending mid Nov - perfect I think! I said hard because this girl always has a hard time leading up to any discipline, then it is always amazing when I've finished!

(m-t) [on the way to work] I printed off the cleanse and I will read it on the subway. 

(m-t) [while at work] Oh my god, I just looked at the list of food to eat. I don't know Sam. I am scared! I don't think I can do it. Let's talk.

(s-t) Completely understand! xo we'll chat but if you are dead against it then ok :)

A week and a half passes as we ponder and discuss further.

(s-e) ....sooo... are we doing this?... I'll register us when I get the two thumbs up from you. Now this is kick ass hard on one level, but it's really only 3 weeks and we can suffer it out together! Please take some time to review and call me!! I can't imagine anyone I trust more than Marie about the body knowledge, I can't imagine doing this with anyone else but you and it's completely aligned to both of our desires to connect with our bodies on a deeper level and will rid shit out of our bodies we're longing to say goodbye to...checking into pranayama, if I can't find a teacher I like, I'll plow through [again] reading the master's book [BKS Iyengar Light On Pranayama] and bring what I learned [from Michael's Tuesday yoga classes and the 2010 July Intensive - see Centre of Gravity under Healers/Educators] and teach us both. Send thoughts xo

Slice from the brochure: "Three weeks to a profound understanding of your body. You are supported all the way through the detox by Marie Graff who has been running the detox program for over 7 years."

October 18, 5 days leading up to cleanse

Martha writes her thoughts down on the subway as she makes her way home from work. We talk with eachother on the phone a few times. Meantime, I have called Marie and asked to please consider us good to go, but if there is a problem with such a late register time to let me know.

(m-e, she sends me her notes) Okay, I am on the subway with my belly full of cheese, a banana and a kashi bar. Really a very balanced and healthy lunch but as of this time next week the only thing that would work is the banana...I am scared but I am going to give in to Sam's incredible positive energy. I also want to try really hard not to be a whiner. This is Sam's journey too and I don't want her to have to pull me along. It is only three weeks. I have tried to clear the decks of any social activity. I am taking a couple of days off and I want to clean house if I can or just lay around alot. I should pick up a new dry brush at Shoppers and load up the bathroom with epsom salts. I am going to grocery shop with Sam and pick up a ton of yummy organic fruits and veggies.

Next post: decisions made, actions taken.